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The University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation. 

We respect the Treaties that were made on these territories, we acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past, and we dedicate ourselves to move forward in partnership with Indigenous communities in a spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

(For EDI resources, see the links provided below)

I value and promote EDI in the workplace and everyday life.  As a researcher from a minority group, I have life and work experiences that contribute to my commitment and dedication to EDI.  I have also acquired professional training in EDI, participated to the CHERD's Women in Academic Leadership, and co-organized Women in Science Leadership workshops. I am proud to be a member of a University that values EDI and has committed to it. The UofM has been chosen to be the host for the Truth and Reconciliation Centre.


During 2019-2021, I served as the Inaugural Lead for Equity, Diversity and Community in the Faculty of Science at the University of Manitoba. Among my activities, I led or actively contributed to Indigenous initiatives and Inclusion.  These include Chairing an Indigenous Scholars search (which recruited Indigenous Scholars Faculty in Science), Chairing the Indigenous Initiative Working Group in Science which helped conceive and design the Wawatay program (targeting Indigenous Students in Science), promoting two-eyed seeing in curriculum development, organizing education sessions/workshops on the Path to Reconciliation, and raising awareness on the National Indigenous Peoples day. 


Following surveying the Faculty of Science for topics of interest under EDI, I jump-started in 2020 an EDI seminar series. During summer 2020, to bring the science community together during COVID-19 and keep the students connected and motivated, I initiated and organized SPOT: The Science Public Online Talk Series which ran weekly that summer. This series featured UofM researchers and alumni (including Nobel Laureate Dr. Jim Peebles), Indigenous Scholars and EDI speakers.


I have served on the President's Task Force for EDI which generated in 2021 this EDI report and recommendations shaping the University of Manitoba's strategic plan in EDI and EDI actions for the coming decade. 


Within the Physics Discipline, I founded the EDI committee in the Dept of Physics and Astronomy and have been a member of the American Physical Society (APS) IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Alliance) team at the University of Manitoba.

Within Astronomy, I collaborate on the IAU-funded AIC (Astronomy in Indigenous Communities) project described in this article (Moumen et al.). I am also leading efforts in Manitoba to expand this initiative targeting the Indigenous Peoples of Manitoba. Our project efforts and funding have been impacted by COVID-19 but has been recommended by the IAU-Office of Astronomy for Development


We are happy to have organized the successful Inaugural 2022 Turtle Island Indigenous Science Conference. I am thrilled to announce the 2023 Women in Physics Canada Conference (WIPC2023), to be held in person at the University of Manitoba July 4-7 (2023). We are delighted to host Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell as our keynote speaker!


   **The resources below will be continually updated**

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